Historic Preservation,
Education, Patriotism
Picture Gallery 2023-2024

On July 4th 2023 Tiffany and Debby attended the Cincinnati Sons of the American Revolution Grave Marking ceremony both at the bronze marker in Cincinnati Memorial Hall and then at new marker placed in Washington Park with the first 5 Hamilton County new Patriots recognition program and wreath laying we did representing Chapter .

NSDAR Continental Congress June 28-July 1, President General Pamela Wright, Continental Hall, Susan Leininger Ohio State Regent reporting on OSDAR, and Past Ohio State Regent, Nancy Shirmm Wright Organizing Secretary General.

Clough Valley members committed a day to volunteer for trimming and weeding at Christian Waldschmidt Homestead. We had 5 members and HODAR Ray work 4 hours to weed and trim around all the Museum buildings and the many gardens on Saturday July 22nd. Members pictured are Angie, Barb M. Cynthia, Debby and Tiffany.

Susan Leininger in blue State Regent presided at the OSDAR Fall Fun Fair. Clough Valley attendees were: Cindy , Shirley and Susan, Tiffany and Debby. Due to illness two others could not attend this year. Shirley in lavender and Susan in black and white were formally graduated and received their White Cords and Certificates for completing the "Members Course." Congratulations!

Clough Valley on September 5th distributed NSDAR Constitution Day Posters bought by Chapter and taken to 5 libraries in Hamilton and Clermont County, 3 Civic Centers , two local community Bulletin Boards and to West Clermont HS.

Our September 16th Chapter meeting was a celebration of Constitution Day that occurs on the 17th of September and ringing of bell for "Bells across America." Member Lucille pictured, gave the Defense Minute and Tiffany did program on "Lesser Know Signers of the American Constitution." Many new and interesting facts were shared.

October 16th meeting has many reports from Board members Tiffany, Paige and Jenna. It is the "DAR Day of Service Program" and we had guest speaker Carol O who spoke about Clermont Senior Services, Adopt a Senior programs. End of row 1 see Debby present Carol O a Certificate of Appreciation for her Service to the Seniors, from the Chapter. Our second speaker was the Clough Valley Chapter Community Service Award winner, Kathy A, the Director for 29 years of the Clermont Senior Services programs. Kathy received the DAR Community Service pin, Certificate and was presented with a Chapter monetary donation to the Clermont Senior Services Pantry. The pantry is the recipient of our Day of Service donations. Our members gathered items off a Senior Pantry list sent to members earlier and you can see Regent debby in front of table overflowing with items members shopped and delivered to the meeting.

Clough Valley members participated on October 8th as "Docents for a Day" at the OSDAR Christian Waldschmidt Homestead and Civil War Museum. Members pictured Front Row L-R is: Nancy A, Tiffany N. Second Row: Midge D, Cynthia A, Barb M, Laura B, and Marth M. This is an annual fun day to be with other Daughters and serve the community who visit the Museum.

Debby and Tiffany attended the 130th Anniversary luncheon celebration for the Cincinnati Chapter NSDAR. This took place at the beautiful Cincinnati Women's Club Bldg. in Clifton. Cutting of cake then greetings from SAR, CAR, OSDAR and 3 Past Regents was on their program.

The SAR had a grave marking ceremony on October 21st at cemetery in Goshen. Revolutionary Soldier Pvt. Lewis Fryburger was marked with the National SAR President General and other National officers present ,as well as several SAR chapter besides the host Cincinnati SAR. Chapter. Tiffany and Debby took part in the Wreath Laying Ceremony pictured on right above. The picture on lower right above is the National SAR President General along with other DAR Chapters represented. in wreath laying. Note: Pvt. Lewis Fryburger is the DAR Patriot of both Judy C and Katherine G who are members of Clough Valley.

Nancy A with husband Tom who recently received a "Quilt of Valor" Pic 2-4 are Veterans Committee Chair Jenna O presenting a "Clough Valley Chapter "Quilt of Valor" to a Jim military veteran of Desert Storm and Iraqi Freedom nominated to receive this honor. Jenna read the Quilt honor and protect program at our November 18th Meeting .

Our November 18th Chapter meeting continued with our program Chair and Vice Regent Tiffany introducing John Hancock, Director of the recently names UNESCO designated sites that are part of "the Ancient Ohio Trails" Theses areas designate where the ancient Indian Mound builders who lived hundreds of years ago in Southern Ohio and left behind now protected earthen mounds. Members were very interested in the program and had many questions.

Jenna, Chair of Clough Valley and Regional Service to Veterans and Cindy the CV Historian attended the Cincinnati SAR Veterans Day Luncheon in November and presented Veteran Speaker Frank Wetenkamp, Seaman 1st Class Gunner Mate on the USS Lindenwald; LSD-6, a Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Service in WW II.

Clough Valley decorated the kitchen at the Christian Waldschmidt Homestead Museum for the Christmas Open House December 3-4, 2023. Decorators pictured l-r back row: Susan M, Cindy A, Midge D, Susan B-H, and in the Front row: Debby N and Tiffany N. The kitchen was decorated with natural items and materials of the 1800 Christmas.

The December Chapter meeting had a commemorative event program for the 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party that took place in Boston Harbor on December 16, 1773. Our speaker Debby N. shared event that led up to the Colonist and Great Britain having quarrel over England levying taxes. They saw this as taxation without representation, as well as being forced to buy and have to pay high taxes on imports as favorite drink of tea.
The tea dumping into Boston Harbor had the youngest participant being 15, Joshua Wyeth who at the time lived in Cambridge, MA and dressed up with other men and rebelled against the tea act.
Debby told of the Ohio connection that Joshua spent later years in downtown Cincinnati Longworth Hall area and was the first to tell that he was a participant in the tea dumping in Boston harbor. He had a newspaper article written on the event as told by Joshua to an editor in Cincinnati and the phrase was first used for the event as "the Boston Tea Party". Joshua Wyeth is buried in Spring Grove Cemetery. Jenna, Tiffany and Debby laid a wreath on the day of the anniversary at Spring Grove Cemetery as pictured to left.
Speaker Debby in colonial cap, doing the presentation at December meeting. Joshua Wyeth's had special 250th anniversary marker placed in May 2023 as an official Participant by the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum. At the "Wreath Across America" day, a wreath laying and marking by Tiffany, Jenna, & Debby at Spring Grove Cemetery..
Clough Valley coordinate "Wreaths Across America " December 16, 2023 at Spring Grove Cemetery-Cincinnati

Clough Valley coordinate "Wreaths Across America " December 16, 2023 at Spring Grove Cemetery-Cincinnati

Jenna, the coordinator for WAA, placed a flag and the three pictured placed a wreath on Revolutionary soldier and Boston Tea Party Participant, Joshua Wyeth grave marker in Spring Grove Cemetery. Tiffany, Debby and Jenna pictured at marker..
The wreaths from Wreaths Across America were removed on January 6th, 2024 per cemetery rules. Members of the Cincinnati SAR, Regent and Daughters from the Mariemont Chapter NSDAR are pictured with Clough Valley's Tiffany and Debby. Picture taken by Clough Valley HODAR Ray who helped pick up wreaths on an icy day and load trucks to be taken to site in Indian Hill for recycle.

February meeting had Tiff present a program on the Marquis de Lafayette in readiness for the Franco Lafayette Farewell tour in 2024-2025 that will include Cincinnati in May of 2025.

Jenna the Chair of Veteran Affairs at our March Meeting presented a Clough Valley "Quilt of Valor" to Viet Nam Veteran and CV Regent HoDAR. Ray seen here also with Tiff his daughter also a CV member.on left.

Members at March Meeting enjoyed a Program "Children of the American Revolution" (CAR) by the Ohio CAR Pres. Meridith Pic to right Pictured in a red DAR shirt is Jessica who brought and sold the OSDAR merchandise at the meeting